But it is the marginal buyer that matters, so China is important. 但这些都是小买主关心的,重要的是中国。
The marginal buyer is shifting from London and both coasts of America, where demand is flat, to Hong Kong, now the hub for the booming Asian wine trade, particularly in China. 边际购买者正在从需求萎靡的伦敦和美国东西海岸转向香港欣欣向荣的亚洲葡萄酒交易(尤其是在中国内地)的枢纽。
If the saving on supplier's marginal production costs is greater than opportunistic losses, then the buyer should select fewer suppliers, and more suppliers otherwise, and the greater the transaction costs, are the fewer suppliers the buyer should select. 若合作带来的供应商边际生产成本的节约相对于机会主义损失更大,买方应选择少供应商,反之,则倾向于多供应商;边际交易成本越大,买方选择的供应商数量应越少。